How to create Email Templates?

How to create Email Templates?

Step 1. To create the Email Templates Navigate to “Template Manager” and then click “Manage Communication Templates” from the left main Navigation menu.

Step 2. You will see an option called Create Template on the top right corner of the screen.

Step 3. After clicking on it you will be seeing all the details to be filled such as:

  • Template Name: You can give any name to the template so that you can easily find them for later usage in mapping. For example, you can give a name for an Email template for Shortlisted Applicants, then you can name the same as “Shortlisted Applicants”. 

  • Select School Name: Select the school under which you want to create the template.

In the “Template for” option, choose Email type and map them accordingly.

Template Applicable for: You can choose among the options available for where it can be mapped for;

  • Applications - When template to be sent to applicants

Subject: Enter the subject line for the templates. 

Subject mapping: We can choose the tokens from here in the subject line.

  1. Applications - When template to be sent to applicants.
Subject: Enter the subject line for the templates.
Subject mapping: We can choose the tokens from here in the subject line. 


The content is basically the body of the Email. The above image shows the options/helping aids 
while writing the content.
[T] - This is where you will find the token to be used in the content. Tokens will differ when you 
create an application template. 
The next option is to choose the image option to add in the image in content.

You can also copy the template ffom previously created templates and you edit the content of 
templates according to the requirement.

The templates which are already created in a particular school, you can choose the duplicate option 
to copy the template.
The preview option shows the quick look of the templates that have been created instead of opening.
You can attach the file in this option of “Attach Files” but the file should be within 5MB.
For example, if you want to send the school brochure along with the templates, you can attach it here.

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