After completion of the defined flow, UniApply automatically enables the option of Fee Payment on the Applicant Dashboard.
Applicant Flow:
Applicant Dashboard View
The applicant will see the Fee Payment option and can easily make the payment.
Payment Checkout
On clicking the “Fee Payment”, the applicant will be redirected to the payment checkout page.
Payment Response Page
On click payment “Pay Now” application will be redirected to the payment gateway page. On successful payment of the token amount, the application will be redirected to the payment response page.
Applicants will get an acknowledgement receipt, email and SMS notification immediately after making online payment.
School View:
Schools can view/track the status of token fee payments in the Payment Manager.
1. Navigate to Payment Manager > Applicant Payment(UniPe).
2. After clicking Applicant Payment, you can view all the payments by the applicants.
3. Under the heading payment status, you can see whether the payment is pending or completed.
4. Click on the action button to view the fee amount and fee headings.
5. Click on the “Filter” option to view the applications on the basis of ‘Payment Status’ and ‘Date Range’.
Payment status has the option of ‘Payment Pending’ or ‘Payment Completed’ where:
Payment Pending - Applicant started the payment process but have not completed it yet.
Payment Completed - Applicant completed the fee payment process.
By default, the date range is selected for the last 30 days, you can change them as per your requirement.